Borrowing a CO2 Monitor
How to Borrow
- The CO2 monitors have a three (3) week loan period and are renewable
- CO2 Monitors can be placed on hold to be picked up at any WPL location
How to Return
- Return CO2 monitors directly to staff at any WPL location during library hours
- CO2 monitors may not be returned through a returns slot
More Information
What is CO2?
CO2 is a gas that is exhaled with every breath we take. As more people remain in a room CO2 levels increase quickly if there is not enough fresh air circulating the space. CO2 is also produced when things like natural gas, oil, propane, wood or tobacco are burned.
High levels of CO2 can:
- Cause tiredness and headaches
- Affect your cognitive ability
- Impact your wellbeing
- Increase the risk of spreading respiratory particles and viruses they carry
Poorly ventilated indoor spaces increase your risk of contracting an airborne virus or infection. The reading on a CO2 monitor is not a direct indicator of the risk for contracting these infections. However, CO2 readings will help you determine whether you should take steps to increase the circulation of fresh air in your space which will improve the air quality and may reduce the risk of the spread of infectious illnesses. The steps can be simple, like opening a window or reducing the number of people in a room. Other steps may include servicing your HVAC system or using a portable air filtration device.
How much CO2 is acceptable?
The CO2 monitor will measure concentrations of CO2 in ppm (parts per million). These are the ranges:
Good – 420ppm (fresh air) – 1,000ppm
Average – 1,000ppm – 1,400ppm
Unhealthy – above 1,400ppm
How do I use a CO2 monitor?
You can find more information on the CO2 readings and how to set up the Aranet4 Home in its online user manual (PDF).
Have a question about borrowing a
CO2 monitor?
Our staff are happy to help answer any questions you might have about our Cool Things to Borrow collections and library services.