Earth’s the Right Place for Love is A Heartwarming Journey into Love and Connection

I don’t know about you but after the frenetic pace of the holiday season, I relish the opportunity to immerse myself into a story that will bring a sense of peace and well-being into my psyche. Earth’s the Right Place for Love by Elizabeth Berg fit the bill perfectly.

The story opens with 85-year-old Arthur Moses reflecting on the joyful simplicity he has been fortunate to have experienced in his life but we soon learn that, as most lives go, the road to that state of contentment was hard won. 

We then go back to 1947 small town Mason, Missouri where 16-year-old Arthur is experiencing the early stages of infatuation with pretty and popular Nola McCollum. He seeks advice on this problem from his beloved older brother Frank, who seems to have an innate knowledge of how to handle members of the opposite sex. We watch as Arthur struggles to keep his feelings in check with Nola, who befriends Arthur so that she can get closer to Frank. 

The Moses household reflects the unhappiness of father Eugene who is out of work and feeling worthless and angry with the world. Both Frank and Arthur have part time jobs that help contribute to the household expenses, a necessity that further embitters their father. Frank and Arthur have a deep filial connection and their relationship is the mainstay of their lives. Together, they face the fragile framework of their family life.

We walk with Arthur as he navigates his way through high school as an outsider, a boy who dreams of trees rather than sports, compassion rather than machismo. His inherent kindness and empathy set him apart from most boys his age and he becomes a beloved member of his community for the simple tender-heartedness that guides his life. For Nola, he becomes a trusted friend and confidante, far short of the level of romantic entanglement that Arthur dreams of. When tragedy brings the world down on Arthur’s life, his grief and loneliness threaten to douse the spark of light and curious wonder that has been his north star. 

This is a beautiful story of love… of family, of friends and community. It is a story of commitment and knowing your heart and being unafraid to stay your course.

Nancy C.
Library Assistant, John M. Harper Branch

Nancy has worked at the John M. Harper Branch as a Library Assistant for over 11 years. Her best days are when she can introduce readers, both young and not-so-young, to new authors/series. She feels like a kid in a candy store at the library, always amazed at the new finds that she discovers. She loves the wide selection of movies/TV series and has done a good number of the amazing puzzles that are in the collection. Nancy sings in a local choir and hits the stage with a theatre production company in New Hamburg. She is an avid reader, gardener, golfer, and newly back to skiing after a 30-year hiatus.